We have the capabilities to route Mediahawk numbers to multiple destination numbers, this can be in the form of a Multi Dial or a Hunt Group. A Multi Dial will ring multiple destinations at the same time for a set ring length, before optionally routing to a no response destination. A Hunt Group will ring destinations in a set order individually.

Setting up a Hunt Group / Multi Dial

To setup a Hunt Group / Multi Dial, a new service plan will need to be added:

When creating a new service plan, you will be asked to choose the Time of day routing, for some more information on how Time of Day routing works, please refer to our guide here - (Insert Time of Day guide Hyperlink) For this demonstration we will use 'All The Same' - this routes the service number to the same destination plan at all times.

We then need to add a destination to the service plan:

Multi Dial Setup:

You can toggle between Hunt Group and Multi Dial on this screen, we then need to add the destination numbers, as well as the optional no response destination. If you are routing to destination numbers with a built in mailbox, please be aware that the call may connect to the mailbox if the call is declined or not answered by an agent. We would recommend switching internal mailboxes off or reducing the ring length. Click Save to save the changes made and then connect the number to provision with the Multi Dial.

Hunt Group Setup:

Setting up a hunt group is very similar, however you have the option to choose a ring length for each destination, as the number will ring in that set order, before dialing the next number in the hunt group if there is no answer from the first number that is dialed. For example, this could ring a direct line, before being set to ring a reception if the direct line is not answered for 15 seconds. Please note that if you are connecting to a number with a mailbox, this will need to be switched off to prevent the call from connecting to a mailbox before it has rang the other agents.