Where are the Object Layouts in Salesforce?

Select the Setup Icon

You will find a tab for Object Manager or type Object Manager in the quickfind section.

You will then be presented with this screen 

Select the Layout you would like to amend, in this example we are going to amend Account

You will then get a layout screen for Account as below, Select Page Layout and then select a Layout you would like to amend.

You now simply drag the Mediahawk fields you would like to have in your Layout, as per the example below.

Once you have added all the field you want then you simply click Save 

How does the data get shown in Salesforce

How soon will I see data in Salesforce?

Once you account is setup we will send call data from the next call that happens in Mediahawk and export this on your selected frequency. For instance, account setup at 15:30 Monday, export set to send every 24 hours, we will send any call after 15:30 Monday to your Salesforce after 15:30 Tuesday ( we do not send previous call data)

How do I check the Data that is being sent to Saleforce?

The Mediahawk Integration sends all API data to Salesforce and this is stored within your own Salesforce account. All Call Export and Screen Popping data.

Log valid for 7 days.

 (under Account -> Setup -> Bulk Data Load Jobs). There is a list there with all requests uploaded via the Bulk API. Requests that update screen popping calls appear as type Task with action Update.

How would the Data be seen in Salesforce?

Please see below some screenshots showing Mediahawk calls in Salesforce.

Within the Call under Activity you will see several Mediahawk fields (subject to setup above)

I am using the popup but just get a rotating circle?

In order for the popup to work you must have PORT 10000 open within your network.

To test if you have PORT 10000 open please use the two test URL's

https://www.salesforce.mediahawk.co.uk should return this screen, anything else and it is likely the port is blocked

Please also try https://www.salesforce.mediahawk.co.uk:10000/ which should return a blank screen. If you receive a 404 error or a redirect then this means the port is blocked.

If you require any further assistance, please contact Client Services on 0333 222 8333, [email protected] or via a live chat session and we will be happy to assist.