Please Note: If you are using or planning to use the Mediahawk Ads Integration do not apply the tracking URLS as this may affect the tracking through the Ads Integration.
You can find the Ads Integration Document Here
What does Google do with PPC keyword URL’s?
Google does not supply keywords from its referring URL for PPC ads when coming through a secure (https) search. This affects all users searching on a secure page and the ability for Mediahawk to report on this.
How can I ensure I see the PPC keyword in my Mediahawk reporting?
By adding the parameter mh_keyword={keyword} into the final URL of the ads, Mediahawk is able to pick up the keyword that was matched. This means that the keyword that was matched will be shown within the Mediahawk reporting portal.
If it is the first parameter add the following:
Otherwise, add the following:
How do I add the required parameters within Ads?
You can amend the Tracking URL at several levels depending on how you track your ADS
- Account Level – This is the highest level and setup in settings. Using this will apply the tracking template to all Campaigns, AdGroups and AD’S
- Campaign Level – Applying the Tracking URL at this level will apply the URLS to the Campaign, AdGroups and ADS within this Campaign.
- AdGroup Level – Applying the Tracking URL at this level will apply the URLS to the AdGroup and ADS within the AdGroup
- Ad Level – This is the lowest level and applying the Tracking URL will only be applied to the specific Ad(s)
Adding the parameter to Google Ads.
You first need to decide on which level you currently use / want to use to apply Tracking URLs to your ADS. This can be Account, Campaign, AdGroup or the individual AD
Sign in to your Ads account.
Account Level Tracking Template
Select the Account and you would like to manage then select All Campaigns, then Select Settings > Account Settings and then Tracking Template
Click on the Tracking template section to open it. You will be presented with this screen
Input the parameter required using the details advised above.
Use the Test button to make sure it works then Save.
Campaign Level Tracking Template
There are 2 ways to amend the Tracking Template at Campaign level.
Option 1. – Bulk changes
Select All Campaigns then Select Settings > Campaign Settings
Select 1 or more / All of the Campaigns using the tick boxes. Example below:
Select Edit dropdown > Change Tracking Templates
Use the Test button to make sure it works then Save.
Option2. – Individual Campaign
Select the individual campaign on the left – Example below
Now Select Settings and then Click the Additional Settings
Now Select Campaign URL Options and input the tracking Parameter as advised earlier.
Use the Test button to make sure it works then Save.
AdGroup and AD Level Tracking Template
Please note: If you are using a Tracking Template on an AD-Group or AD Level and decide to implement the Mediahawk Ads Integration you will need to remove the tracking templates at these level for the Mediahawk Integration to work.
To add the tracking template to both AdGroups and ADS is the same process. You can either bulk amend the AdGroups / ADS or you do can do this on the Individual Campaign.
In the example below, we will demonstrate how to change them on a AdGroup Level
Option 1. – Bulk Changes
Select All Campaigns then Select AdGroups or Ads & Extensions > AdGroups
Select 1 or more / All of the AdGroups using the tick boxes. Example below:
Select Edit dropdown > Change Tracking Templates
You will see a popup that allows you to Set / Append / Find the Tracking Template. Select the most appropriate and updated with the Parameter as advised earlier.
Use the Test button to make sure it works then Save.
Option2. – Individual Campaign
Select the individual campaign on the left – Example below
Now Select AdGroups > AdGroups
Select 1 or more / All of the AdGroups using the tick boxes. Example below:
Select Edit dropdown > Change Tracking Templates
You will see a popup that allows you to Set / Append / Find the Tracking Template. Select the most appropriate and updated with the Parameter as advised earlier.
Use the Test button to make sure it works then Save.
I already use a keyword parameter, do I need to use Mediahawk’s tag?
Mediahawk will let you use ‘mh_keyword’ or ‘utm_term’. However, if you use a different tag, get in touch with Client Services on 0333 222 8333, or [email protected]. They will then set this tag up on the system for you.
What happens if the referring URL contains the keyword?
Mediahawk will always use the referring URL keyword before looking for the keyword on the destination URL of the ad.
Additional Support.
If you require any assistance setting up Keyword in Mediahawk please contact the Client Services team at Mediahawk on 0333 222 8333 or [email protected]