Mediahawk allows you to apply Step 1 of the Dynamic Code in 4 different ways to your website. 

Option 1. Using Google Tag Manager (GTM) - Automatic Installation.

Option 2. Using Google Tag Manager (GTM) - Manual Installation.

Option 3. Apply the dynamic code directly to your website HTML.

Option 4. Using a Wordpress plugin.

Important Information:

Please ensure you are fully conversant with applying the code to your website, through Wordpress or GTM

These guides are recommended installations but your installation may differ dependent on your own configuration. If you are not sure please advise your web agency or developer of the requirement. 

Please check that the code is fully working before publishing.

Guides for all 4 installation options are detailed below.

Once you have installed Step1, please remember to complete Step 2 of the code. Setup details for Step 2 are HERE

Applying STEP 1 of the Dynamic Code using GTM - Automatic Installation

Login to the Mediahawk Platform

Select Admin

Click Dynamic then URLs

Then select the Campaign Name you want the Dynamic code for

Click the icon as below to Create Tag in GTM

You will be redirected to Google Tag Manager to enter your Login Details for GTM.

Once connected, Mediahawk will automatically create the Tag required to apply our Mediahawk Dynamic Code 

Note: If you currently have any unpublished Tags, Mediahawk will be unable to automatically create the Tag and will return with an error. Please ensure all Tags are published before running the installations again or please use the manual process.

Applying STEP 1 of the Dynamic Code using GTM - Manual Installation.

Login to you Google Tag Manager account -

Click Add a new tag

Click Choose a tag type to begin set-up

Select Custom HTML

Copy (CTRL + C) and Paste (CTRL + V) the code from Step 1 of the Dynamic Code

(Recommended - Click advanced settings and select Once per page under Tag firing options - This will mean our code will only trigger once per page load)


Select All Pages 

It will return you to the Previous Page and should look like this

Enter a name in the top left(currently labelled Untitled Tag) and click Save 

Your workspace now looks like this. Click Submit

Please ensure the code has been updated correctly and any testing performed including Preview. Enter a name for the version and click Publish

Applying STEP 1 of the Dynamic Code direct to your website HTML. 

Simply Copy (Ctrl + C) and Paste (Ctrl + V) Step 1of the HTML code supplied anywhere within your Website Code.

The code below is an EXAMPLE of the code do not use this (Details of where you can locate your own unique code can be found HERE)

<script type="text/javascript">

 var _mhct = _mhct || [];


 !function(){var c=document.createElement("script");


 var i=document.getElementsByTagName("script")[0];




 - Do not apply any formatting within the element that is being changed. Apply formatting to an outer <div> or <span> for example instead.

- The elements you apply the generated class names to can be either a <div> or a <span>

- Applying mhMobile allows the telephone number to be clickable.

Applying STEP 1 of the Dynamic Code using the Wordpress Plugin

Login into your WordPress site Admin area Go to Plugins, click Add New

Search for Mediahawk and click Install Now

Once installed, the button changes to Activate, click it

Go to Settings and click Mediahawk call tracking

Select On and enter your tracking ID (e.g. VA-01234). The tracking ID will be found on the Dynamic code

Once you have installed step 1 please remember to complete step 2 of the code. Details HERE 

Please ensure you fully test the changes and Website to ensure step 1 and step 2 are changing the numbers across your pages as expected.

For further assistance, please see our Dynamic FAQ's